

Joined on 9/17/11

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Are you asking us, or are we asking you?

Imma askin you guys, but I could post my answer if you'd like ;)

That's a lot of questions young lady! You know the NSA would smile (if they could), at all the free information they're receiving O__o Besides, the square root of three, is a transcendental number that goes on forever... God's stack dump report, if you will....

Bitch please!
We're liars XD
(And plus, it's nice to make people happy :3)

Okay...I don't see harm in asking some of these (or just one)...I think.

9) On the internet: "I think"
IRL: "It was okay, I guess"

Now's your turn. >:)
number 8, plz

LOL, I think......

(P.S. View the post again ;D )

1. There's a lot so i don't really know.
2. I love them all!! :3
3. So many.. i can't pick :P
4. Me
5. Idk lol
6. Absolutely a shotgun
7. I don't remember
8. Hate it!!!!! >:3
9. Lol
10. Make music, draw there's a lot.. :3
11. A cat
12. Breaking a kid's head in middle school (he was really annoying)

You sure are an audiophile!

1) i need a list for that.
2) everything by cheshyre
3) game: lab of the dead , movie: madness series
4) music
5) wait i'll call my teacher
6) chainsaw for close combat and a tank for traveling
7) sleeping with a conscience relieved :(
8) it's not that bad
9) okay...
10) have fun
11) god in human's body
12) my conscience is almost dead , i totally lost faith in humanity , i just hope god will forgive us

12: I hope so too :/

oh and i didn't ask you :3
ummm what do you think about me ?

Pretty nice guy
Always online
And porn

1. I've done many weird things.
2. Madness stuff :P
3. MADNESS!!!! Game: Epic Battle Fantasy series.
4. Just chilin' out with friends
5. 1.732
6. Battle Axe
7. Nothing
8. I'll nuke it, (unless I get what classes I want)
9. I said many things.
10. Relax and enjoy yourself
11. Skag
12. Crippled my brother.

A skag?
*Looks for images on google*

1) ....
2 & 3) umm idk yet i'm still new here :)
4) my parents
5) lol
6) i'm just gonna stay home and lock the door :O
7) ....
8) not bad
9) idk i don't say much
10) draw more ^^
11) pony :3
12) ...

"Stay home and lock the door?
Better not forget my playstation......"


1.pretending to be sick
2.Kosmos Revenge
3.game:Slush Invaders movie:TOME Episode 02
4.games :D
6.a scythe
7.when me and my friends were trying to dig up a giant rock xD
8.it can be a pain in the butt sometimes but its still ok
9.take it!!!
10.be yourself
11.a reaper
12.cheating on a test

"Oh look , a giant rock. Let's dig it up."
*Three hours of digging later......*
"Hmm, too bad it's no a nuke...... :/)

a secret.. ok
i am actually a dog

Dawg XD

I just won't comment because today I'm not feeling good to write a text... ...again, lol.



1.NOTHING!2.sonic colours reach for the stars.(i even have the game of it)3.sonic X 4.HEAVEN!!!5.LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!6.Long Sword.7.PLAYING!!!!8.not bad.but,it is stealing my days of HEAVEN!!!!9.DRAW ME DRAW ME DRAW ME! AND SECOND PLACE...TAILSBUDDY!!10.draw me and don't stress you're self for that.11.an unbeatble LION!!!!!!!!12.FUCKING THE DEVIL!!now you're turn please i spend a lot of time.

Fucking the devil?
Oh god why......
(And lol , the games aren't from NG) XD

1.) Talking something bad about my teacher and later realizing that she was behind me :O
2.)Hmmmm....... I'd say Paragon X9 :Chaoz airflow
3.)Quite a list of it.....
a. infiltrating the airship
b. Madness project Nexus
c.Stealing the diamond
d. Pokemon but with animals
e. Sonic shorts
f.Madness combat
g. [MD2011]:The magician
h. Incident 123 A
i. Cyanide and Happiness

4.) Chocolate chip cookies!!!!! And games.
5.)Wait...... I was asking.
6.)A WALL!!! XD
7.)Ringing doorbells of others and quickly run away :D
8.)I'd say it could be better described with a headshot.
10.) Wait..... why the heck am I asking myself?
12.) Pickpocket-ing
(I was doing it since I was 6, and I've somehow got $56 in total)

1. in 1st grade i accidently called the teacher mom, and just said: " i didn't say that"
2. [Jay T] Ricepirate
3. Gears of adventure
4. Creative mind
5. Sixty twelve
6. all i need is my bear hands. or just a whole bear. he could kill the zombies for me.
7. iunno really
8. its not that bad even though i really dont get what happens inside the principal's head
9. "Oh really, well that's great. talk to my dick"
10. i already told you i think you should draw more.
11. a cat. i could sit around and give my human orders.

"Oh okay dad"
Wait .__.
"I didn't say that"

(LOL ,true story bro)

Well, ok then:
1. Be educated with people that was never educated with me (now, I'm still educated, but with who deserve it).
2. Cycle of Life (MAC8...).
3. Madness Combat 6.5.
4. God, my family and my friends.
5. 777 (LOL)
6. Dual Micro Uzis with extended magazines.
7. Try speaking english.
8. Take your time, take your patience, take your education, take everything that is good from you.
9. "lol", /o/.
10. Be yourself.
11. A cat :3 or maybe myself
12. Complain about the things my mom don't do for me. (nah, I don't think this is a worst thing, lol).


Ohh my bad i didn't read Q10 right i thought: Thing you want to do most? i forgot the "me" lol
10....... i guess draw more awesome stuff! :P

Okay then.....
I guess......

1)Play CoD:Black Ops II Zombie Mode with worst weapons.
2)Nuclear Mutation-Cheshyre.
3)Madness:Project Nexus.
4)My family and my PS3.
6)Mk 48 and Barrett Sniper Rifle.
7)When I get an OOOLD console. ;) Classic.
8)Boring,but useful for the future.
9)Let's do it. (In spanish I say ''Hagamoslo'').
10)A fucking picture of me.
11)Myself okno#. A lion.
12)Nothing. :D

10) Keep commenting and being the best you, you could possibly be.

1)madnuss animationus and mincraftus
2)dubsteptus and technotus
3)madnesstus and platformuff
5)i dont understanduff
7)i forgotuff
8)i like learning englishuff
11)a thing that make people cancer-uff


lool yer make me luff

u should make a new post ^^

Nothing to say here....

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