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Let's just be honest here

Posted by tailsbuddy - September 9th, 2013

Please be honest about this

1. What is your first impression of me?
2. What is the best and worst part of me?
3. How old do you think I am?
4. What changes can I make to myself?
5. Use one word to describe me.
6. What is the best piece of art made by me so far?
7. Would you like if I drew you?


1. good kid trying to get more friends online
2. best : i don't see porn in your fav or review and that's a good thing i guess , worst : umm idk
3. 10 - 14
4. you don't need to change anything just be your self
5. cute :3
6. Chibi Dchuyv & happy b-day Bobie11
7. that's would be nice ^^

(OMG you got my age correct :O)
Well in that case, thank you!

1. Adorable artist who love to make people laugh and make friends. ^^
2. Your nice and not mean, funny and cute. the worst part... umm i don't really know.
3. I'm going with 13-16
4. I don't see any flaws in you.
5. Charming! ;D
6. Missile time! and Chibi Dchuyv.
7. I would be so joyful!! ^_^

Thank you!
"Oh wait, wrong face"

1.A nice person that likes making people happy.
2.Funny,cute and likable and always puts a smile on my face i cant find any bad parts about you.
4.Don't change anything you are awesome as you are now.
5.Adorable ^^
6.The happy birthday picture you made for Elias-Z and Chibi Dchuyv
7.That would be really nice :)

How could you say that!?!
That's TOO NICE of you!!!!

Y people think I cute???

1. An artist that has lots of talent and has to get scouted :)
2. You make cool drawings and want to improve which is good. and the bad? well iunno really i think i would like to see drawings more often :D
3. You told me 12, but the profile says 17
4. be a unicorn. always be a unicorn
5. happy
6. of course missile time :D
7. yeah but i guess you already did :)

A unicorn that sh*ts rainbows like nyan cat ,
has a poker face,
and eats cereal flakes

1. People that is rare to find today, a very good friend and a great drawner too.
2. a) You're an example of friend.
2. b) I still don't know.
3. 12-16 years old.
4. be happier by being a very cool girl.
5. Feelings.
6. Chibi Dchuyv :3
7. I would love :D


(Wait, I'm a drawer?
That doesn't even make sense.
What do you expect me to do?
Put clothes in me?)

Lol just kidding

hehe.....this might be a tiny little..... HARD! ok ok. 1.you're a nice girl and...oh yeah you can draw as the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!! 2.UGH.YOU MAKE THE BEST ART...EVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRR!!!!!!!!!!!! worst part? you don't have a worst part! come on, i mean it! 3.10-14 years.4.nothing i like the way you are right now about 100%! 5.sooooooooooooooooooooooo CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!6.Dchuyv KING OF THE DANCE FLOOR!!!7.if you want.oh yeah and i would LOVE That.^_^

Aaaw thanks
Mr capital letter guy :3

1. cute little girl :3
2. ?? Well, we haven't talked much, you're not in the BBS or talk much on other blogs (that I'm aware of). You seem generally affable :)
3. Not going there |: Women love to lie about their ages, and some guys too.
4. There's only one person in the whole wide world that is just like you, and that's you, so go and be the best you, you can be. Fred (Mr.) Rodgers
5. Huh?
6. Candyland and Monsters were very good. You make that smear tool rock!
7. Yeah sure I guess, now what's with this Spanish Inquisition (see YouTube) you're putting your fans through?

I had to lie about my age
Newgrounds might not allow me to view adult content
I mean........ "M" content


Ugh, I hate being brutally honest, lousy at numbered questions, but you deserve it... Yeah, it's okay about your age, it's nice to have the option to be able to submit/see racy-type stuff. Silent-Sam has a similar problem, he's just gotta use links to the dump to get around that age-thing.

Sooo, now that you know the answers to your burning questions.... how do you feel? :)


1) Good madness animator artist or wathever u are.
2) Best, u love madness :D worstt NONE:D.
3) 15 (Im 11 old) imprerssive no?.
4) None,u are good.
5) Nice.
6) I don't know.
7) Of course.

Aww thank you!
And 11, nope, I'm not impressed.
And so is vegeta

lol wait a sec .. you're a girl ? the female on your profile wasn't a joke ?

Not at all

yay u changed your age :P

Yes, I did!
13 was the minimum age sooooo

1. i dont know
2. best is being friendly, worst is being older than me (lol)
3. You are 17
4. You are perfect (wtf im saying ?)
5. Hmmm, this is kinda hard i think its : TROUSERS (becouse u like them)
6. Chibi tail
7. yes of course !

Thank you!
But the age is a lie :D

@Emper321 THE CAKE IS A LIE D:

And so is my shoes........
You know, i'd better get new ones.......

you're turn please.