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Long time no post, so here's somethin' :3

Posted by tailsbuddy - May 30th, 2014

Alrighty guys, so here's something.

Comment any animal that exists (or not) and I'll attempt to make it look adorable.

(I'll be drawing on paper because my pc was formatted and i'm just too awkwardly lazy to re-download the softwares. And yes,I make lame excuses. :P)

P.S. Have a nice (holi)day :D


Make a Griffin please :3
Also hey there ;3

Hello random citizen :D

and change your profile pic godammit >:C


Still, cockroaches are gentlemen in a disgusting way :P

I mean a bearded dragon :P

(I guess I COULD try the skag as well)

Dumbo Octopus

Aaaaaweesooome :D


Lion, i win.

LOL just kidding

It's funny, my first thought was a Griffin... Do you have a summer user icon? I like your winter one, but...

In asia, everyday is summer.
No need to do much about it.

KING OF JUNGLE! Please! (wich is a lion, and perhaps also a Griffon!!!)


Have you settled on an animal to draw yet?

I have already done it, but y scanner broke down. D:

No not the scanner! D:

Yeah. That's why I hadn't uploaded stuff for so long. Every piece of me art starts with a sketch (on paper)

Better draw a scanner and plug it in then.... or just keep smacking your old one, until it works.

Alright, now I have some cracked plastic and several pieces of metal.What next?

Uuh, well, isn't there an open air market near you? Maybe look in the local newspaper, classified section, for a used scanner? Just keep saving money, doing odd jobs, and you'll be able to afford a nice, brand new, cheap scanner in no time!

I have no job
I barely started high school D:


Does that mean I don't have to pay?

Don't you get paid a little for chores, like mowing the lawn, doing the dishes, vacuuming, mopping cleaning up the house? Maybe you can clean your grandparents or neighbors house for a few bucks.

Naaw. If I'd ever ask for money just by doing chores,I'd be kicked out of home and living on the streets by now.

And also, my grandparents are dead, though they wouldn't pay me anything even if they were alive anyways

Sorry to hear your grandparents have passed on :( Well, I had to ask anyway! I worked for my father digging ditches, surveying, laying pipe, spreading stone when I was 12 or 13. I didn't get paid much, even though I worked like a man. Maybe that's why I'm so lazy now lol!

Wow dude, I kinda envy your childhood.You could do things adults these days would say:You're gonna mess up big time on this one.

And you own a farm. A FAAAAAARM. I love baby animals! :D

It was really rough, to the point where I'm about 2 inches shorter than I should be, mainly from hauling 5 and 7 gallon buckets of water to the field, because we don't have irrigation pipes (and garden hoses were made toxic, right before my parents and I moved there.) The there was hauling around large plastic pipes, shoveling....

Yeah the farm's okay, but I don't raise critters, because I live in a socialist authoritarian state... it would take too much money to buy the permits and licenses to sell meat, eggs or milk. Could I mail you a few kittens? No one wants to take them off my hands..

I'd love to take care of little kittens, though my mom just isn't an animal person, and further more, it's from someone halfway around the world I've met on the internet. : /
(But still, you own A FAAAAAAARRRM. I love baby plants! :D )

The deer are the worst problem now, so I bought a motion activated sprinkler in the hopes it will chase them off :\

Omg I love baby deerlings :D

Might be nice to look at, but they eat my work |: I need the money the veggies make, to stay warm in the winter, and to buy seed for next year. I put in a shit-ton of mini pumpkins, because the deer don't damage them much, and there's a lot of them. They stomp watermelons, turn pepper plants into banzai trees that produce less than half of what they should.... they are a disaster. But people here prefer to spend a lot of money on processed cow meat, which is a lot less healthy than deer meat.

Oh well, I guess shooting them is fair enough. Plus I love baby deerlings, alive OR dead.
P.S. I've never tried deer meat before. Does it taste like chicken?

No it tastes like steak, but with less fat, not particularly gamey tasting at all. Buffalo is though...

I've never tried steak before. Does IT taste like chicken? :D