So it's been 2-4 years being on newgrounds now, from when I was a small jerk to a happy-go-lucky-guy to an.... uhh.... idunnowhatsoevershallIdonow kind of person. Friends beside me came and went, I've lost a few and made some new ones. (And dubstepfreak was one of the most memorable, I mean, he made me remember the days when I was a you-know-what, and the comments posted still make me facepalm till this very day.)
And then, there are those really special people who have changed my life. Bobie made me a part of the art portal, Pa4oo made awesome drawings (Again, I apologize for not making him a birthday pic), Dchuyv posted sick music which I only listened halfway through due to the weak internet connection(And also made some nice drawings which he later deleted D:), Sam was the adult among us (Or at least I think so) who I could consider quite humble by the amount of fans he has,and Mr VicariousE shared his years of experience with me.(And he has a farm.A FAAAAAAARRRM!)
My favourite pic from pa4oo:
My b-day present from bobie:
And last but not least , a pic from Saaaaaaaam: (Dat bobie face tho)
So guess what? I'll grab a laucher and launch all this deep shit on you guys while I go take a break. In the meantime, stay awesome. (Execpt for pa4oo.He shall remain badass.)
That was so deep :'(
Those sure were fun times
That's deep shit alright. But then after desperately searching, I think I found my stupidity back.