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Apparently my last post expired.....so here's something about me.

Posted by tailsbuddy - September 16th, 2014

1.)I go full retard everytime I get excited.

2.)Sometimes I like to stalk people online, just for the fun of it.

3.)At times, I'd make stupid cat noises.

4.)I know it's wierd but I eat rice with crackers.

5.)I've forgot a lot of important things such as :

   a.how long I've been on newgrounds

   b.The drawing I've promised you guys a year ago

   c.Who the heck is 'rich' again? (The name sounds so familiar)

6.)I'm out of internet data and the finals are closing in, so don't expect me to be online for months.(Imma gonna miss ya guys)

7.)Aaaah I'm outta stuff to say.




That's wierd...? good luck on your finals
and try being online on skype once in a while ey?

Okie dokie

I'm busy with things too. like........ school and money.

Too much shit these days.

You sound like an a-okay guy. :3

Thanks for the lovely complement c:

Do you have a cat? Months?! Will you be back before the end of the year?

......still wondering why you asked me if I have a cat.

Meow? Okay forget the cat subject, when are you forsaking the internet and when will you be coming back?

I don't know,really. As long as I don't finish studying,I wouldn't be online,because IF i fail the test, I might never be back.EVER.

I wonder if I'm smart enough to pass your school's test(s)... adults should be tested as often as kids, only seems fair, right?

Exactly. Though I think you'll pass the math,after all I'm only 13 or so

Maybe... but next year, I doubt it! I'm the US, we don't have very good teachers here, so everything's kinda low-balled, this way the teachers look good, and the students can... do whatever. Though oddly enough, the last measuring/math test I took, I placed 3rd out of 120 applicants O_O I must live around some dumb humans :(

Yeah. I have a feeling I live around smart people, because I scored 3 out of 40 in our monthly test while other people scored 8 :c

Oh, I was talking about ranking, not score.. Wait, what kind of test (lol) is so hard, that only (about) a quarter of the answers are generally solvable? Bad teacher or bad test maker... or is it a one-size-fits-all test?

I would say it was a bad teacher who made horrible tests just to ruin our ego for being the best class in maths, and through so, our math grades would plunder to the bottom ranks of the entire school.

He's pretty much the kind of teacher who
1.)teaches you 2+2
2.)gives you homework that questions you 2x + 3n
3.)gives you tests that would ask you to calculate the surface area of the sun.

(Oh and quick question:
If 1/9 equals 0.1111...
2/9 equals 0.2222...
3/9 equals 0.3333...
And so on,
Does it make 1 which is equal to 9/9 equal to 0.9999...?

And if it does, then 1=0.9999...
Which means 1 < 1,riiiiight?)

Bad math teachers need to go :|

Umm... fractions, I think are 1/3 = .3 and 13/16 = .81, but don't quote me on that. 10/10 = 1 obviously... huh, idk. Sounds like you have a bad math teacher, maybe you should have your parents report him... then the school will send someone to watch him 'teach'.

I wouldn't think so. After all, we ARE the top class. Our principle even mentioned that it was what we're supposed to learn.

And apparently, people get disappointed that we can't complete the grade 8 (grade 9/10 in government school) papers.

Stupid society.

Apparently he made the mid year tests look like a piece of cake compared to his. And what he teaches is the school syllabus, it's just the tests that are hard. Can't report him for that.

More like WERE the best class, is this is a new math teacher that's stepped in? Does he smell of alcohol or cheap cologne? Why would he purposely want you to fail? Has he got money riding on it?

Is there another math teacher who can help you after school? I'd see that person and just ignore the math class, use it as a study hall :\

Eeeeh nope. Apparently he teaches the best classes every year, but I guess the kids this year just suck :c

And no, I'd rather stay away from teachers and away from trouble. I'm kind of a paranoid.

Huh. Well, it looks like you gotta go online for math help, or find a student that tutors math. Heck, maybe Wikipedia can help!

It might be possible, they're teaching math in a new way.... a global, 'new world order' way! It's being taught here in the US, and it's making things a lot harder!

Well that's horrible news.
One day I'd forget how to calculate 1+1 if this goes on.