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Help me out with this Halloween Art Project! :D

Posted by tailsbuddy - October 6th, 2015

(As some of you guys know, this was meant to be a project in 2014, but I procastinated. Lel.)

Sup guys? As the title says, I'm going to make a Halloween-themed pic this October, and I need people to draw. If you're interested, simply post your OC (optional) and your costume in the comments section.

Here's a current list of people and their costumes in reverse alphabetical order:

ZaracaM : Jason Voorhees

ThatonepersonthatsitsnexttomeinclassbutistoolazytocreateaNGaccount: Vixen    (P.S. I know you're reading this)

Me : Ghost

SuperUnicorn : Werewolf

Solwings : Pirate

Silent-sam : Black Cat

Preswitch : Happy Creepy Man :D

PizzaGod : Eskimo 

PivotKnife : Stickman eating puppies (Lol, He and I  actually have this thing going on in the forum chat, go check it out)

Pa4oo : ???

P3M : Snake from Metal Gear Solid

Madnesia19 : The Punisher

Kenamii : Zombie

Kelzad : Pimp.

Gibb50 : Prostitute.

Gabriel Barsch : Chica from Fnaf

Fivestar811 : Abomination

Elias-Z : Reaper

Dudingdarn : Walter White

DeepFriedJustice : Donald Trump

DeronMadness : Nazgul

Dchuyv : Soldier

Croude : Mag-Agent

Coco34 : satan

Bobie11 : Pencil-guy in DevilBug suit

Atp505: Another Abomination

Ak47Micah (R.I.P) : Skeleton. Lol.

1999Elias : Luigi

^Will try to update everyday :D


Also, this link is for MD2016.


My character update here
About costume,you can draw costume like an A.T.P Engineer or some of victimis from A.A.H.W
Or Mag-mutated guy (with wounds and bandages on body/head) (Lol :D)

Thanks, i think I'll draw you as a mag agent. :D

I wanna be chica from fnaf

No problem :D

To go alongside kelzads pimpness, I'll be a prostitute/ho

Lol, okay.Sexy ones?
(I'm having second thoughts about putting that list up there xD)

Me as snake from metal gear solid :3 plz?

Okay! C:

Me as Walter white/Heisenberg

Lol. You guys come up with awesome costumes.

Me! me! I want to be Jason Voorhees. Or Frankensteins monster.

Mkay, Voorhees it is!

I want to be in!

If you draw my character, draw him with his current outfit, only that the shades, suit, everything has a theme related to this guy: http://pre09.deviantart.net/bb1a/th/pre/i/2013/239/6/6/punisher__prestige_2_0_by_thuddleston-d6k0i11.jpg

Shit, I don't know if you understand me, my english for some reason got worser than before :P

I changed my mind, draw him like that guy and just leave the blue shades on :P

Haha, mkay then. xD

Can i be in please?:

My Sprites: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/0f50624af78b183d4d9332a7f8fad864

Can i be an abomination please?

No problemo!

yay! Gonna be waitin' :3

Yaaaaaa :D

It's funny :)

What is? O.o

oh satan is fine then

Ok. :D



A happy creppy man

Uhh okay :P

Your art idea is funny, some people offer his character with a costume for halloween and you take this. I want to offer my character, but I have not ideao for the costume, maybe a nazgul or a demon...

Well choose one then! xD

I choose the nazgul.

Ok, got it :D

does pa4oo not know what he is gonna be or is he gonna be ??? (also known as blue baby) from binding of isaac
if he's ??? from binding of isaac make him be battling me by throwing water balloons at me in the art

No, sorry. He doesn't know :P

ohhhh boy that's gonna be awesome! :D
hmm can i be a black cat? :3 *realizes you already did* OMG YOU'RE A GENIE D:
i wish i can draw something for Halloween ;-; but i'm really busy with school these days >\\\<
good luck! can't wait to see it :D

Lol, you told me that a year ago, remember? xD
Anyways thanks, I hope I could make it in time though. :P

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